Our Team
Our Pastor
We are currently in a search for a new pastor.
Brenda Neidel, Administrative Assistant
Brenda has been our Administrative Assistant since June of 2020. She is the friendly voice you hear on the other end of your phone call and the great big welcome you receive when you walk in the office door. Brenda is our administrator extraordinaire. She creates our weekly bulletins and monthly newsletters, manages our worship and serving schedules, and is the one who keeps us organized and on track for ministry.
Brenda was in the medical field for 45 years until retiring in 2013. She has two children and one grandchild. Brenda's heart is big, she is also the Founding Director for Helen's House, a non-profit she started in May of 2019 in Odessa that provides new and gently used clothing to K-12 children and mothers living in the Odessa R-7 school district. Brenda has lived in Odessa for six years and enjoys being part of the community. To email Brenda or the church office click here.
Randy Rudd, Custodian
Randy has been our Custodian since August of 2021. He has had a long and wonderful career as a professional musician. We are fortunate to have Randy on our staff to care for our building needs.